A variety of interactive films will be prototyped by the students based on knowledge and techniques presented by Chris. Students will be asked to propose and make prototype interactive films based on:
-Using a brain-computer interface to control branching possibilities in a non-linear fiction film.
-Using a brain-computer interface as a means to analyse the effectiveness of short non-fiction films to induce relaxation. Who can make the most relaxing film?
-Training an AI image-recognition interface to control direction choices in a non-linear fiction film.
-Creating an installation that uses a physical, tangible interface as the basis for an interactive film.
Taller sobre herramientas de inteligencia artificial para periodistas, junto a Andrea Cancino, en el Summer Camp de la Casa Periodísitca El Punto en Uninorte.
Read MoreFind the video of the talk “Text-based AI - Computer Arts Society”, where I participated with a contribution titled “Nothing artificial here”
Read MoreA couple of years ago I started experimenting with AI to interpret and generate scenarios from and for my poems. Today, one of these poems created in collaboration with an AI system -different from chatGPT- has been published in this very cool anthology edited by Geoff Davis and published by LEOPARD PRINT. Each literary creation is followed by some questions and thoughts of the authors and their process.
Read MoreSono stata invitata a partecipare della Giornata di Studi “Ricerca-creazione: quando le forme creano valori” il venerdì 20 e sabato 21 gennaio 2023 a Palazzo Ducale-Fondazione per la Cultura di Genova (Italia), dove presenterò la mia esperienza di ricerca-creazione nello sviluppo della mia tesi di dottorato “Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality: Epistemology, Creation and Evaluation”.
Read MoreThe Haus für Film und Medien presents a joint selection of varied works by young film and media creatives studying at one of these academies at the 36th Filmwinter Stuttgart. Same Different is one of the selected films.
Read MorePueblo Santo was selected as one of the seven finalist projects at the MAIX grant for XR Latam projects 2022.
The objective of this initiative is to support and empower independent Latin American creators located in Latin American countries. We recognize Latin America as a multiplicity of nationalities, native peoples, indigenous peoples, gender expressions, and other ethnic groups and identities where we are all included.
El 5 de Octubre de 9 a 12 AM (Hora Col) estaré dictando el taller Introducción a las Narrativas Inmersivas en el marco de los Laboratorios Lupa: Realidades inmersivas para narrar el territorio. LUPA es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia, Proimágenes, y operado por Armadillo Media.
Read MoreI have been invited to give a masterclass at the Kinemalab of the Gothenburg Film Studios in Sweden, on next 15th of October. I will present insights from my experience creating an interactive fiction structure for fiction and documentary cinematic virtual reality experiences.
Read MoreSo happy to share that our VR musical project Pueblo Santo: A Cumbia Trip, has been selected for the DOK Exchange XR program at DOKLeipzig 2022. A great occasion to get insights from immersive narratives experts.
Read MoreToday we close the solo exhibition of Nijolė at the city gallery of Fellbach, with the presence of Elke aus dem Moore, Antanas Perez Mockus, family and friends. I made a presentation called “Following Nijole” in which I tell the story of meeting Nijolė and creating the effort of bringing her back to exhibition space at the Fellbach Triennale and in her solo exhibition.
Read MoreJunto al Maestro Alejandro Angel estaremos dictando un taller sobre escritura y producción de narrativas inmersivas en el marco del Festival RealMix 2022.
Read MoreEl próximo 26 de Agosto estaré compartiendo reflexiones sobre la virtualidad como frontera migratoria en el segmento #Datos y Relatos de la Cinemateca de Bogotá.
Read MoreOur poetry shortfilm "Same Different” keeps travelling around the world. In the next months, the work will be screened in Denmark, Argentina, Brasil and Greece!
Read MoreEsta noche en la Cinemateca de Bogotá es la premier nacional del documental Nijolė, en el cual trabajé como guionista y montajista. Sin embargo, lo que inició en aquél 2016, sigue vivo todavía hoy. Antanas alguna vez dijo que él sintió el deber de hacerse "famoso" para hacer justicia a su madre. Esta película es justamente eso.
Read MoreEste verano estuve compartiendo con los futuros estudiantes de comunicación social y de filosofía, algunas nociones sobre los espacios inmersivos, la virtualidad, y la producción de cortometrajes en un entorno simulado.
En 3 días, los estudiantes produjeron 5 cortometrajes todos realizados en Mozilla Hubs.
Read MoreSofia Kitromili and I will be presenting our position paper “Beyond tools: We need to talk about the Author” at the Narrative and Hypertext Workshop during the conference HT ’22: 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, held in Barcelona.
Read MoreNijolė's work will be showcased at the small-scale sculpture Triennale of Fellbach (Germany), from June 4th to October 3rd 2022.
In parallel, the city gallery of Fellbach has dedicated a Solo Exhibition of Nijole's graphic work. Some of these artworks portray pieces of her life in Stuttgart and Fellbach, after WW2 when she was a student of the Fine Arts Academy of Stuttgart.
Read MoreWe are very happy to announce that our poetry shortfilm “Same Different” has been selected for the Special Program World Mirror of Poetry of the International Poetry Film Festival of Thuringia (Germany). The shortfilm will be available online during the days of the festival from May 20th to 31st.
Read MoreThursday 12th and Friday 13th of May I will be joining Prof. Rebecca Rouse at the undergraduate class, Interactive Performance and Games, to develop a workshop on VR Storytelling. Here is the structure and materials of the workshop.
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